pets at home: sales optimisation
bupa: mental wellbeing app
bmw group: new car locator
fintech startup (nda): design library
shl: branding and web design
odds-bods: comparison app
energy startup (nda): design library and ui design
nissan infiniti: owner apps
three: sales and upgrades
david gandy: style guide app
centrica: energy hub app
bettormetrics: live reporting dashboard
nationwide: interactive infographics
ladbrokes: user optimisation
historic royal palaces: event timeline interface
sanofi verkko: website and advertising
l'oréal: investor relations app
waitrose: site rebrand
national grid: investor relations app
amnesty: charity app
catlin: investor relations app
transport for london etc: landmark illustrations
standard life: investor relations dashboard
david gandy: style guide app (original)
the fa: app poc
transport for london: children's traffic club
prudential: investor relations dashboard